Kamis, 08 Juni 2017


Hello, everyone!🤗
     Welcome back to my blog!☺️ It's been a very long time since the last time i posted something on my blog. Well, now, I will tell you about one of events that held by Sekbid 7 OSIS Of 3 Senior High School Bandung and Alga. This event is an event about planting and cycling together. This event is called "PAMAN GOBER" or "PenanAMAN dan GOwes BERsama".🚴‍♀️🚴 PAMAN GOBER was held on April 8th, 2017. This is the closing of DEWA ATHENA. PAMAN GOBER was held to increase students' interest in maintaining nature by cycling, and make Bandung looks beautiful and green with planting.🍀💚
     On April 8th, 2017, at 6.30 am, we gathered in Bali's Field. First, we lined up with our bikes, and we listen to speeches from the school principal of 3 Senior High School Bandung and the event's chief executive of PAMAN GOBER.💁🏻
     Before we start to cycling, we were told by our teacher that for students who don't have a bicycle, they can borrow a bicycle that has been provided by the committee. They can take it in 3 Senior High School Bandung, with the requirement that they have to return it back to 3 Senior High School Bandung again when the event is over.🙇🏻‍♀️
     After the opening has been completed, all the participants get ready with their bikes. We started to cycling from Bali's Field. Our activity was accompanied by the police and also teachers that guarding us, so that this activity can run as well and successful. The route that we passed was quite distant and exhausting.🤦🏻‍♀️
     Here's the route:
Start from Bali's field -> Lombok street -> Citarum street -> Dipenogoro street -> Supratman street -> Katamso street -> Cisokan street -> plant trees in PTI complex TNI -> Cisadea street-> Supratman street -> intersection of Ahmad Yani street -> Laswi street -> T-junction of Laswi street-> Sukabumi street -> Laswi streer -> Pelajar Pejuang street -> BKR street-> Moch. Ramdan street -> Karapitan street -> Sunda street -> Sumbawa street -> Belitung Street -> Kalimantan street -> finish in 3 Senior High School Bandung.🙆🏻
     Before we passed the Cisadea street, we had to stop first at the PTI complex TNI to plant trees. Each class gives one representative students to planted 1 tree in the park of PTI TNI. School principal of 3 Senior High School Bandung also gave a symbolic by gave 1 pot of trees to the TNI.🌿
     After we passed all the routes, we went back to 3 Senior High School Bandung. Students who borrow bikes from the school also return it to where it started. After PAMAN GOBER is over, we go to Bali's Field to watch the final of DEWA ATHENA match. After all the match was finished, the event was closed with closing.😋